I'll need to clean this up a bit and then wait for mother nature to rust it up more. I'll be allowing it to oxidize underneath and where I haven't painted, then will seal over to hopefully stop oxidation where I like it best. More pictures to come when that happens. There are also more pics and info on the process on www.scatter-birdie.blogspot.com
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Pretty Much Done Gate
I'll need to clean this up a bit and then wait for mother nature to rust it up more. I'll be allowing it to oxidize underneath and where I haven't painted, then will seal over to hopefully stop oxidation where I like it best. More pictures to come when that happens. There are also more pics and info on the process on www.scatter-birdie.blogspot.com
Album Artwork Submission
I submitted album artwork for this band "Black Cock".
"Austin TX band Black Cock has released their debut album, Robot Child with a God Complex, and they’re ready to celebrate. On July 9, 2009 there will be a private RSVP-only bad-ass party and art show happening at the Mohawk to do just that. Party includes Real Ale Beer, catered snacks, and other fun stuff like DJs in the private party room upstairs at The Mohawk on Red River.
Black Cock is seeking submissions of artwork that will be on display for the event. One piece will be selected for a $500 cash prize and will be featured on the band’s next album cover, due out Fall of 2009. Please e-mail rsvp@blackcockrock.com to get on the list! And have your friends and family rsvp too!"
Come see me...8PM at the Mohawk. Don't forget to RSVP. These guys are super nice cats. They play loud punk-like electronic.